Update: I’ll recommend to go for Official W3school page having all the tutorials and resources
When i published this post then i was not aware any copyright laws and Internet policies. I just mirrored the whole W3Schoool website and put it online for my fellow friends and students.
Thanks to “Hege Refsnes” for his mail regarding my flaws.
In his mail W3schools stated that
It has come to our attention that W3Schools.com has been illegally copied to http://honeytech.wordpress.com/2006/11/17/w3school-whole-website-mirror-download-learn-offline/ .
Any reproduction or redistribution of W3chools content is expressly prohibited by law, and will result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible.
The downloadable version must be removed ASAP.
Hege Refsnes
19 responses to “W3school whole website mirror download & learn offline”