Hundreds of applications already have built based on Twitter which is well known for micro blogging, professional networking, business to business networking and different purpose it’s being used and still using. Even, nowadays maximum well known companies directly interacting with their customers, taking feedback, sharing, exchanging information through twitter and upgrading themselves in competitive markets. I’m trying to share some cool twitter based web applications / tools — it may makes your productive.
Twitority — Authority based twitter searching features plus ajax based search results brings. Easy to grab what things people talking around you.
Tweetizen — Tweetizen is a simple web-based tool designed to help you filter the daily influx of tweets, and easily find the ones that are relevant to you.
Tweetree — Tweetree puts your Twitter stream in a tree so you can see the posts people are replying to in context. It also pulls in lots of external content like twitpic photos, youtube videos and more, so that you can see them right in your stream without having to click through every link your friends post.
Destroytoday — Adobe AIR based twitter applications, lets control your account from desktop.
Twopular — Trends of twitter which is different from Google trends and it’s centralizing based on twitter’s search results and showing points in different time durations.
Twitterbuttons — Get your twitter buttons for free and add on your blog site or websites and make it attractive and grow your followers.
Twalala — Get ready to take control of your twitterstream. twalala is a client for Twitter that allows you to control what you see, and more importantly, what you don’t see in your twitterstream.
Justtweetit — Twitter web directory, anyone can add himself in a categories. It’s easier to get any specific informatiosn by following the desired username and justtweetit makes it friendly.
Twittervision — A real time geographic visualization of posts to Twitter by using Google powered Google Maps. It will show you the locations of twitted users in maps.
Twitvisor — Alternative system of twitter which brings replay systems in different platforms.
Retweetrank — Retweet rank is a representative of the number of times a user have been retweeted by others recently — Rate your friends whatever it’s boring or exciting or not.
TwitterRibbons — This apps will generate follow me on twitters ads shaped like ribbons.
Tweetube — Easy to share youtube videos in twitter by using tweetube.
TweetEffect — Who is following, why following, why followers un-following — this applications will analyze it.
Twtwlst — Make some wishlist within 140 characters or less on twitter.
Twippr — Twippr it’s in short form. In details twitter payments procedure it’s working like as PayPal in twitter platforms.
TwitPay — Easier ways send payments via twitter to your friends.It’s safer, faster and secure and handle by amazon payments — so your money is in your control.
Twitter2FF — Synchronization in between of twitter and friendfeed web services through twitter2ff.
Who Follows Whom – Sort otu who is following up to 5 twitter user and who are those five users following too.
Twittez — You may ask questions and this applications will search around the twitter and find out the answers from user’s posted tweets.
Tweetbackup — Anything can happen to your twitter accounts. You can take backup by using tweetbackup — just follow their username and they will do it for you, free of cost and without any registrations.
TwTask — Make your to-do list by using TwTasl applications and easy to updates by updating twitter updates.
Tweet3 — Easy to manage multiple twitter accounts under tweet3 with friendly interface.
Localtweeps — It’s showing the location twitted user’s locations and shortly they will show international locations of twitted users.
We will updates more and if you like please feel free to make comments in below.

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