One of the best twitter client TweetDeck which brings a new version with lots of fixes. In this version they has focus on better memory management and the previous version that eat away at system resources and drag down the whole computer — totally unexpected. The official TweetDeck blog says, “The memory leak has been plugged and now the latest version of TweetDeck will peak at a certain level and won’t go any higher. So you can leave your TweetDeck running all day, all night, or forever if you really want to.” — Now the problem have fixed and you will get more better, faster experiences.
Shortly, TweetDeck getting facebook connection which is now showing status feed and working perfectly. It was on previous version but required to user to download a special beta version — not it’s built in and fixed). On this present apps, it’s getting tighter integration with URL shortening services which will not show you the origin url but it will redirect to you the desired url after the click (using,,, tr.i, For showing images it’s using Twitpic and for video recording it’s using 12Seconds — you can directly record video from TweetDeck. Moreover, Seesmic which has no desktop features and not supporting to video such way but other hands, Twhirl supporting this video recording options and working Twhirl apps nicely.
TweetDeck still not supporting multiple twitter accounts which is important matter. Also, if you want to replies or contribute to more than one twitter account you need different twitter apps (e.g: twitterfox)

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