Author: Honey Singh
Skype your mobile with iSkoot
Improve your connectivity together with low mobile bill with the help of iSkoot. It is a free mobile software that brings the features of Skype to your mobile and sets you free out of your computer. It have the robust ability to route your Skype calls over the voice channel that your Skype calls sound…
10 Tips to Improve your Alexa Rankings
Since you’re thinking of improving your Alexa Rankings, better give non-Alexa informed people some quick run down. The Alexa is under the umbrella of Amazon that offers information on different traffic levels for websites.The ranking of traffic is measured by the amount of visitors on a particular site that has installed the Alexa toolbar so…
GFI Backup : Free tool to backup and recover your data
Data is the most precious thing in the computer and we often reflects carelessness towards it. As a result we tends to the chances of black hole data loss (though its possible to recover the data after the crash but its not 100 % safe). Why don’t we think about the precautions measures ? GFI…
Why Everyone Talks about Cloud Computing ?
Are there some Nimbus formations in the sky? Guess not but what seems to be the latest buzz about clouds all about? What in the world is Cloud Computing? Well, if you seem to be hibernating a lot these days, be in the know. Cloud Computing is being used by giant names in the I.T.…
Top 10 Productivity applications
There are two ways of doing any work, 1.Simple and Traditional way which need lot of time and resources and 2.Optimized way with the help of specified tools. This post is dedicated for the people who wants to increase their working productivity and in search of way to fulfill their requirements. I like this quote…
How many Girlfriends a Geek should have?
Today i’m not in the mood of writing any tips or technical reviews and you may be confused about this trick question of the title. For starters, geeks are often related to things not human beings to begin with. Have you ever heard a geek say the L word to a person? They say the…
10 Tips to Decide Niche for Your Website
What’s a website if no one visits it — additional garbage floating around the Information Highway. Their are millions of website having undefined goals and are neglect by the users. Most of the website owners and bloggers don’t know about what actually they want with their website. FAIL is ultimate results of those confused fellows…