Author: Nikita Porwal
Top 10 Basic Freeware Applications For Mac
There are handful of reasons why Mac rule over Windows and wins the trophy. Where Windows computer may look for a chance to annoy you each time, Macs just gets the things done in line. Well, some notable points would include consistent sleep mode, fast booting time, easier file sharing, no security software needed and…
10 Things to remember before buying any mobile phones
Mobile Phones is such a beautiful thing created for us to keep track of anything and everything on earth from simple calling to latest news and great music. While almost every person today has a handset of their choice, some may be looking to upgrade or buy a new one. Which one should I go…
Top 10 Music Phones To Go For – Mobile Phone Review
We often hear people saying “Music is my life”, of course it holds true because music soothes our mind, relaxes and refreshes our senses. Thanks to the technology today you need not carry an mp3 player or an iPod all around. All you need is a great music phone with dazzling music features. The market…
Pros and Cons of top 10 web / internet browsers
A web browser is been used by millions of people each day for research, online shopping, communication, and entertainment. In other words, it is a software used to access World Wide Web. Today, the technology has moved beyond NCSA Mosaic to IE, Firefox and more to come. However, many might not know about the options…
Top 10 Useful Resources for Blogger / Writer
Great writers are respected all over the world for their work. Be it a columnist, editor, tech writer or a blogger you have way all around. But getting into great writing journey is not an easy task, you got to love writing and work consistently on it. You can find thousands of tips on how…
Top 10 Mini Netbooks of 2009
There use to be a time when we believed in “Bigger the Better”, today the mantra is “Smaller is Better and Bigger is No More Beautiful”. The Nano-technology has brought revolution in people’s way of thinking and the same goes with Laptops. Osbourne 1 is no more in our preference list, we want Sony Vaio…
Make Money On Twitter With SponsoredTweets
I define Twitter as no frills, no annoy mini-blogging tool that’s truly catching on. Twitter is on top when we talk about social media activity and as a matter of fact it is our favorite social networking sites. You can use Twitter as personal or business purposes and I must say many people are making…
How To Backup All Your Valuable Comments With BackType
Comments are the most important part of blogging these days – they can be done for fun, sharing information or just to convey gratitude for a great post. Any good post does not wait to be on top of the popularity chart, but of course anticipate knowing what people think about it. Hence, we denote…
Top 50 Free Open Source Content Management System
Gone are those days when you had to be an tech expert to create a website. We are now in the era of Content Management System. CMS is actually a multi-functional capable to create a powerful portal website in no time. You can not only create a website successfully but also can create and publish…