Carbonite it brings data storage service and you can take backup your hard disk and get access from somewhere else by using their server. You can’t run a video or audio files directly just like as but you can store your data online and in case of your hard disk crashes or lost your computer, you can get chance to restore your files.
Carbonite decided to make it easier for users to access their stored files from any computer through a web interface. All you have to do is login using your Carbonite ID and you can browse through all the files that have been backed up. You can’t open pictures or movies online, but you can download any files stored on Carbonite’s servers to your computer using a web browser — Brad says. But, alternatively you can take your backup by using dropbox, paid user will get 50 GB space and free user will get 2 GB space and on referel program will increase up-to 3 GB. Enjoy.

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