Get New Orkut invites

I recently checked my orkut profile and found a new bubble over it (this is the indication of  “New Orkut” on my profile ). I know that orkut is experimenting many things on “New orkut” but i think New Orkut follows the facebook.

How to check if your orkut friends have new orkut features?

The bubble shown in below screen shot is the indication of New Orkut user.

new orkut bubble

Do you need New Orkut invites ?

I have very limited invites so i can’t gave it to every body and neither i fairly decide whom to choose and whom to reject. So i decided to choose from persons who tweet this post with hastag “#neworkut”.

Tweet This to get New Orkut invites

Get new orkut invites (via @honeytech)


1.If you can’t tweet then comment in this post to claim your invites. I’ll select you from selections.

2. If you have spare invites the please donate it to the persons here.


Congratulations to first few winners

  1. Patrícia Rodrigues
  2. Omkar Dutta
  3. Tamil Selvan
  4. Piyush mahajan
  5. Pradhyuman Singh
  6. Saurabh Rajpal
  7. Ginni
  8. Ankit Saxena
  9. Vishal Alhat
  10. Lucas Machado
  11. Harshit Purwar
  12. Gurpreet Singh
  13. Tarun.Reflex
  14. Dhiraj Pandey
  15. Mahesh Kukreja
  16. Luis Gustavo
  17. Alfredo Martins
  18. Prabhjot Bhatia
  19. Sujit Philip
  20. Thiago Silva
  21. Breno
  22. @rennantorres
  23. @drkhalid
  24. @zozo_pokerface
  25. @hiqasim
  26. Bharat Grover
  27. Breno Henrique
  28. Inderpal Singh
  29. Nitin Agrawal
  30. Maneck Kathuriya
  31. Rhonald ®
  32. Cristhian David
  33. Bhargava
  34. Sonu Walia
  35. Souro Banerjee
  36. Cristina Das
  37. ManO BroW ! ! ! Raul
  38. VingzzZ ..

Note: I arranged many more invites and you need to comment/Tweet to get new Orkut invites

Please add me on orkut to receive the invites.

(orkut only allows to send the invites to friends)