Around two or three months I have been tracking wePapers and it’s fastest growing, biggest study groups in online where people exchange their papers “what are they reading or what they have learned in their academic life”. It’s really great initiate and I were looking something like that and wePapers brings for the students, for the learners.
It’s categorizing papers such as, science & engineering, social sciences, art, computer science, education, health and so on. And as well every category has tons of sub categories — by searching you can get your desired papers and it’s free too. Even, you can share your academic papers through online and it’s two way communication which brings success in your education life as because it’s making flow it works.
By using the navigation you will get most popular, newest, most liked papers and by papers types you will get abstract, articles, assignment, books, exam, lecture notes, presentation, term papers and by languages you will get your preferred languages the selection. In main page, you will get search box and in left hand corner you will see tags clouds and start to search through them.

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