LiteFlick a jQuery lightbox plugin based websites which brings today’s most interesting photos from and it’s totally different from Yahoo! Images features. Within a click you can see the images and even without refreshing pages again and again — you can enjoy the flickr’s photos within short time with faster experiences.
LiteFlick brings 10 x 8 grid of photos which looks great and it’s better though showing on search with details information and the users identity. On liteflick by one search you will 80 photos per seconds and easy to get detailed information. In below you will get most popular tags and as well related tags which makes you more happy. More then hundreds or thousands pages may generate, you can see all pages by clicking next pages option. In search bar their is two options — username based search or any text. When user base it will show photos from specific user based storage and when text it will be whole flickr based. On left hand side, you will see recent and interesting options which inspiriting you to visit or surf more on liteflick.

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