The long waited New Year eve is here and there is lot of things to do apart from party. It is the time to take a look at the past year, look forward for a better tomorrow and to reinvent your self with New Year’s resolution. Most of the people make resolution year after year and barely follow it for a month, don’t let this happen to you. New Year resolutions are a way to celebrate and important for the people aiming for a new lifestyle in the coming year. But then you need to be reasonable to yourself while picking up one – for example thinking of winning a lottery could be next to unachievable where as “I will not be lazy” I will exercise daily” are fair enough. Honeytechblog here has complied a top 10 To-Do list for the year which are not actually resolution but are necessary for anybody’s life.
1.Give Priority To Your Family
This is not a rocket-science, yet could be harder to accomplish than you truly think. With all major time constraints the family people are stretched to sports, dance and music classes, friends, homework, business and so much other activity. Hence locating time to get them altogether could be a chief undertaking. So understand the importance of family gathering and just squeeze some little time out to sit with them and enjoy.
2.Icon Your Social Profiles
Managing your social profiles today are of higher importance than ever. You can find almost everything you need via social media for example with twitter you can share and discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world. Likewise you have Facebook and Orkut to keep in touch with friends and build networks. Linkedin can help you establish your business. So gear up guys and icon your social profiles.
3.Go green
The importance of going green is not unknown to all of us. We know that world has fixed amount of natural resources, in which some have already depleted. And day by day we are left with fewer resources, so if you wish to leave your children and grandchildren with the equal living style as you had then go green. Save the clean air, water, soil and fuel sources for upcoming generations.
4.Take It Easy
We often come across this quote ““Life is too short not to make the best and the most of everything that comes your way everyday.” Which is indeed true. Move ahead with the positive attitude in life and learn to take it easy. Believe in the power of a smile and laughter, a kiss or a hug. Trust in kindness, integrity, dreams, and imagination. And you will find yourself the happiest person around.
5.Give Time To Your Passion
In the busy hectic life we often forget to give time to our passion. Know what you are good at and do that thing often. Some people are not lucky enough to take up their passion as profession, so certainly it becomes vital pursue your passion, which could be singing, dancing, writing, horse riding, painting or could be anything you love. And don’t forget if will rejuvenate you from time to time.
6.Have Trips To Your School And College
There will be hardly any person on earth who doesn’t miss their school or college days. We had fun, friends and learning all together under one roof. So why not visit that heavenly place once again and freshen-up the lovely time. Your teachers would also love to see you, however it can be a great idea to go along with your friends group, which can be a sort of reunion for you all.
7.Stay Healthy
We all know the importance of maintaining good health. You can achieve anything you wish if your mind and body permits. So getting into shape and regular exercise is the mantra. Studies also show that having good health reduces the risk of some cancers, increases longevity, enhances mood, lowers blood pressure, and even improves arthritis. So why not stay fit and have fun.
8.Learn A New Activity
You might want to learn something for very long time. Probably this is the time to take up that activity, it could be to learn a new language or take up playschool job. All this while, time did not permit but understand it is you who need to find time and take initiatives. So make sure you fulfill your dream of learning something new this year.
9.Click More Pics
Have you ever felt like you have missed a beautiful moment of your life to capture? And later you regret for that. Just get a digital camera or camera mobile for yourself so that you don’t miss out on any wonderful moments. Trust me few years down the line you will be treasuring those snaps.
10.Parties And Reunion
Many might want to quit on party this year, but is that really possible? Reuniting with friends and having fun time is so important to refresh ourselves in middle of busy life. Go for parties, make new friends and but keep a check on your in-takes.
These are some of the things you already might be doing, so keep them up. Such resolutions/To-do list is necessary for anybody, so make sure you get the grab of it. We wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.
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