Category: business
Become An Entrepreneur : Great Resource For Entrepreneurs
To become a successful entrepreneur you need to expert in different fields. You have the practical knowledge of business plan, business structure, future forecasting, cash flow calculating capability, business strategy, marketing strategy and so on things. You have to gather knowledge from failed business and as well you have to learn from successful business and…
Top 10 mistakes of Bill Gates
Bill Gates is considered as a great man. Many people look up to him. And a lot of people are inspired by his life. But then again like any other human being he also has his own mistakes. Here are the top 10 mistakes of Bill Gates. The man created a software monopoly and in…
Top 10 mistakes of Internet business
It is a known fact that there are many people who already succeed in the Internet business arena. Before venturing into the field, try to consider the pros and cons of this business. Here are the top 10 mistakes of Internet business, always be mindful of these pitfalls. Many people think that Internet business is…