Category: Twitter
Make Money On Twitter With SponsoredTweets
I define Twitter as no frills, no annoy mini-blogging tool that’s truly catching on. Twitter is on top when we talk about social media activity and as a matter of fact it is our favorite social networking sites. You can use Twitter as personal or business purposes and I must say many people are making…
How To Backup All Your Valuable Comments With BackType
Comments are the most important part of blogging these days – they can be done for fun, sharing information or just to convey gratitude for a great post. Any good post does not wait to be on top of the popularity chart, but of course anticipate knowing what people think about it. Hence, we denote…
List of 15 Unfamiliar Twitter Apps and Tools
We are all bragging about Twitter from quite some time, and why not, this is the most popular micro-blogging service online today. Initially, bloggers, webmasters etc found it useful to deal with; soon it ran over celebrities and politicians. Thanks to its user-friendly features that is helping all to grab some knowledge and fun. To…
How To Update your Blog If You Don’t Have Enough Time
Never-ending meetings can tie you down for an eternity so it robs you some good time to chill and relax by updating your blog. It is a golden rule that thy must not let a blog remain stagnant for a week since you will loose all the loyal patrons visiting it. Thank goodness for the…
TweetDeck comes with multiple Twitter accounts ,Spam protection and Sync – Backup features
Last version of TweetDeck brings lots of bugs fixes but finally in latest version (0.26.4) it reloads with most lacking features of managing multiple Twitter accounts, anti spam, Syncing and Backup TweetDeck settings. I’m using TweetDeck from more than 9 months and feel it like the best Twitter desktop client available in the internet. Managing…
Ten Tips To Date On Twitter
We know that Twitter is becoming more and more popular that it has even become the current buzzword in gaining more potential customers for online businesses on the Internet. This micro-blogging and social networking tool combines to send a very short but powerful message to the world at large, and it is never too heavy…